My Name is SECRET FRIEND and I want to share with you (Uganda and the whole East African region)…. THE SECRET
KOBUSINGYE, MIREMBE, KIBAKI, MAO, SEKAJJA, OKUTI, KANYOMOZI. You’ve been struggling in your own life. You know how it feels. Intimately, financially, or with complicated health issues. Perhaps like me, you're a person of 'faith' or 'trust in ones self', whether you're a religious or spiritual person, and you turned to your faith for guidance and hope. But over felt your faith slowly crushing under the pressure.
This is the “The Secret to Mastering the Secret”
The law of attraction is a Great Secret of Life.
What is the law of attraction? Simply put, the law of attraction states that “Like attracts like.” What this universal law tells you about your own life is that the thoughts you think, feelings you feel, words you say, and actions you take all consist of energy that attracts to it more of its own kind. That is, negative energies attract negative energies, and positive energies attract positive energies.
Uganda, hear this and let’s prosper for good in every area of life
As The Secret has swept the world and touched millions of lives, we have received so many stories of lives being transformed into joy.
Read stories about family, friends, pets, health, and wealth, just about everything you can imagine. Then, share the bliss that you have attracted into your own life and share your story with millions too.
Summary of Secret Teachings
Money is magnetic energy. You are a magnet attracting to you all things, via the signal you are emitting through your thoughts and feelings. Discover how to become a powerful magnet for the creation of personal wealth.
Relationships can be completely transformed, no matter what it's like right now. Learn how to transform every single relationship you have in your life.
Concerned about your health? Explore ways to open yourself up and become a powerful magnet to wellness and health starting from wherever you are now.
The Secret Scrolls
The Secret Scrolls are messages of inspiration and sharing’s from Rhonda Byrne. The Scrolls are beautiful reminders written from the heart that will assist you in living the magic of The Secret.
Featured Stories (as on the Official Secret website)
We can all learn how to live the Secret by seeing what others do. Be inspired by reading these amazing stories from those who have embraced The Secret to create a life of joy.
To Rhonda, thank you!
I know you must get hundreds of stories about The Secret changing people's lives, but I wanted to e-mail you to THANK YOU for changing mine. I bought the book this past winter, read it quickly, and started to "Live The Secret"...
January 2, 2007. My 21-year-old daughter & her dog Popeye, a 4-year-old male pug, had been living with us for 4 months and I was Popeye's care taker during this time. My daughter moved out of the house and took my beloved Popeye with her...
The Secret works (even for us lawyers!)
After watching The Secret I quit my high paying comfortable job at a law firm. I realized that to really help people I needed to get away from the materialism of the big city life and focus on what is important...
I have my laugh back!
I had a liver transplant twelve years ago. I never got my good health back and had been struggling with re-habilitation classes. Everything kept going wrong and I felt like I was a burden. I was ready to call it quits. Then I saw The Secret on Oprah one day...
My husband attracted health
I bought The Secret CDs in January and loved them. In February, I saw a lump in my husband Peter's thigh. In March, he had an MRI which showed a lipoma with a suspicious center. In April, I gave him my Secret CDs...
The Secret saved my life
I just wanted to let you all know how The Secret book and DVD have saved my life. I am a stay at home Mum and since my teenage years, I’ve battled every day with depression and anger problems. Then my friends told me about The Secret…
Unbelievable is achievable
A very dear friend of mine gifted me with The Secret book. I do not read much and he did not go on about it, just left it with me to read in my own time. As I began to read, I became more aware of my thoughts and of the way I wanted to feel…
Now you know the secret to mastering The Secret. Practice this along with The Secret and you’ll uncover that which mankind has sought since the dawn of time—and the Great Secret of the Ages will truly be yours.
Break through now by ordering your full SECRET KIT with me SECRET FRIEND and receive your break through
The Secret book, Print Edition… 48,000/- shillings
The secret, audio Book…………. 30,000/- shillings
The Secret Film
Explains, with simplicity, the law that is governing all lives, and offers the knowledge of how to create – intentionally and effortlessly – a joyful life. This is the Secret to life. Running time: 91 minutes…………………. 68,000/- shillings
The Secret soundtrack, on CD
This 2-CD set features the full stereo soundtrack recording from the The Secret film. Now you can experience the teachings of The Secret wherever you are. Transform your life with the powerful messages presented on this soundtrack
20,000/- shillings
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